Bandung Indonesia

The trip to places in Indonesia is not connected. Indonesia has hundreds of island hence it is not practical to hop from one place to another, the airfare is expensive. It is better to go back to Kuala Lumpur and plan another journey to another destination.

The 2 of us went to Bandung on 7th May 2014 and come back on the 13th. 7 days and 6 nights. The fare of Airasia for 2 was only RM764.00.

For 5 nights we stayed at the Golden Flower Hotel, Jalan Asia Afika 15-17, Bandung City.

fruits waiting for our arrival... so nice..

In Indonesia, if you are in the mall air is so cool and you are surrounded by all the world luxuries.. the food, clothes and the people.  Once you step out of the mall, the reality start to sink in where there are potholes, beggars and lots of poor people trying to survive with whatever means you could imagine.

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