
Sapporo 2017 Ice Festival

To celebrate my retirement from Public Services of 32 years plus, we made a short trip to Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. The 4 of us and 3 from Balkis Family.. took off from KLIA2 before midnight on Thursday 2nd February by Airasia. Arriving Friday 3rd February, about 8 am at Chitosen Sapporo Airport. The ground is well covered with fresh white snow.

the happy faces

From the airport we took a shuttle bus, with the snow covered roads, it is quite a long journey and not much view to enjoy, hence better take a train or subway from downtown Sapporo to Chitosen Airport.

Selepas check in di Nest Hotel untuk family Zahar dan Hotel Odori untuk family Balqis.

Selepas check in dan simpan barang kami keluar ke Open Market for fresh seafood untuk makan tengahari. Kami menaiki train dan teksi.

besarnya kaki ketam

Selepas kenyang kami balik ke Odori Park untuk melihat persediaan Ice Festival.

beratur nak naik train

Shinseibashi, long roof covered mall

Underground mall dari Odori Park ke Sapporo Station

tram, my favourite

At night for dinner we look for Halal Mongolian Lamb Ramen. The portion is huge.. semua makan tak habis. Patut kongsi jer semangkuk 2 orang.

The street are all preparing for the Ice festival.

ukiran di pembahagi jalan
HARI KE DUA , Sabtu 4.2.2017

Kami telah membuat tempahan dengan Chuo Bus Excursion.

Tempahan di Terminal Bus Sapporo

pakai headphone untuk mendengar penjelasan dalam English

Destinasi pertama, main snow di kawasan perkampungan yang mempunyai salji yang tulus mulus.

Selepas puas bermain salji kami menaiki bas untuk pergi makan tengahari, All you can eat Buffet.


Selepas kenyang dan pegi toilet, kita naik bas ke Shikotsu Lake Ice Festival.

Balik ke Odori Park hari dah gelap.

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