Tuesday 23 January 2018

Post-retirement Reminiscing

In about 2 weeks will be my first anniversary of retirement. Alhamdulillah I was bestowed with good days throughout. Hope and pray to be in the Rahmah of SubhanAllah hul Adzeem always.

The career that started of on 16 August 1984 ended on 5th February 2017. A span of more than 32 years. During those years, I was given the opportunities for a few in-service overseas stints.

1. Cuti belajar bergaji penuh (Kursus Jangka Pendek)
    from 14.6. 1992 to 27.6.1992 at CPSC (Colombo Plan Staff College) Manila Philippines.
    with the title "Technician Behaviors in Industrial Development'
- masa ni anak 4 orang, the youngest Mohammad Hirzan at 11 months. I was serving Politeknik Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan.

2. Cuti belajar bergaji penuh (Melanjutkan Pelajaran)
    from 3.10.1993 to 22.10.1994 at Dundee University, Scotland, United Kingdom.
    doing my MSc in Mechatronics.
- masa ni Md Zahar is also doing his MBA in Project Management and we brought all our 5 boys along. the youngest was Mohammad Hannan at 9 weeks old. I was also serving Politeknik Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan.

3. Lawatan Kerja Perolehan Peralatan Marin di Oslo Norway
    from 8.12.2000 for 2 weeks.
- masa ni I was attached to Bahagian Perancangan dan Pembangunan JPTek and the machinery is under the scope of Mechanical Engineering - so I was chosen.

4.  Cuti belajar bergaji penuh (Kursus Jangka Pendek)
    in March 2002 for 2 weeks in Nova Scotia, Halifax Canada.
    with the title "Smart School". I was attached to Bahagian Pengurusan Kolej Komuniti JPTek. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.

5. Awarded an attachment program under Skim Latihan with collaboration in Duisberg Centren
    Germany for 2 weeks. From 28.10.2006 to 11.11.2006.
- 1 week in Cologne and another week in Wurzsburg.
- masa ni menerajui Kolej Komuniti Selayang, Selangor.

6. Awarded a JICA program, fully sponsored by JICA.
   from 11.1.2010 to 19.2.2010 (39 days) in JICA Yokohama, Japan
   with the title 'Seminar on Training Management in Vocational Training Institution"
- masa ni berkhidmat di Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah, Sabak Bernam, Selangor.

7. Student Attachment to Industry, a link with Western Digital Bangkok
    in 2015
 - masa ni berkhidmat di Politeknik Sultan Salahudin Abdul Aziz Shah sebagai Industrial Liason Officer/Industrial Collaboration.


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